Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How Playing Softball Benefits the Body

Kenny Torres, a former science teacher and head wrestling coach at Los Alamitos Unified School District, serves as a math, PE, and science teacher at the Education Corps Charter School in Long Beach, California. When he’s not busy teaching and coaching, Kenny Torres of Los Alamitos stays active by playing softball.

Below are several benefits of playing softball:

Complete body conditioning: Unlike some other sports, softball conditions the entire body. Softball players need to develop a range of skills, such as throwing, swinging, and running. In addition to promoting overall conditioning, practicing these skills improves coordination.

Increased flexibility: Tight hamstrings, calves, and chest muscles all impede a person’s ability to play softball. It also increases players’ risk of injury. Regularly stretching these areas of the body increases flexibility in muscles that may be ignored by non-athletes.

Good anaerobic exercise: Playing softball burns calories because every action requires a huge amount of energy. This helps players maintain a healthy weight and enjoy good stamina.